Thursday, January 17, 2013

Welcome to Greenlawn Reads

For our first book blog, we will be reading The Prodigal God by Tim Keller.  The subtitle of the book is "Finding your Place at the Table."  We hope this book blog will put out the welcome mat for seekers of spiritual truth, no matter where they are on the journey.  Some of us grew up in church and tried to follow all the rules, much like the older brother in the parable.  Perhaps we have stayed active in church, perhaps not.  Some "older brothers" get angry and leave when they feel that their obedience has not been appreciated and properly rewarded. Life for them has been a disappointment.

Other readers will have more in common with the younger brother. If we identify with him, we are a little rebellious and question the rules.  Perhaps we have strayed far from the path and don't know how to find our way back.

Keller has answers for both types of seekers in this insightful book. He states that the gospel is neither religion (represented by the older brother) nor irreligion (the younger brother), but something far better.  The gospel, he says, is not good advice on how to live well in order to blessed, but is instead good news that Jesus provides a way for all of us, no matter what choices we have made, to be part of the family of God.

Our blog will start officially on March 1st.  In the meantime, I encourage you to get a copy of The Prodigal God and start reading.  It is available from many local booksellers and on-line.  I ordered mine from and received my copy in just three days.  By the way, the hardback only costs a dollar or two more than the paperback.

I hope you will join our blog and look forward to reading your comments.